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Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Lord's Superheros........

Friday morning, I read a story about a woman who is 81 years old. Her name is Mae Magouirk and she lives in Georgia

She has a living will......but it did not matter....

See she is not terminally ill, she is not on life support, she has glaucoma and some heart problems. Her granddaughter admitted her to a hospice, told the hospice that she did not want her grandmother fed. So Mae Magouirk, with living will, was without food for 10 days. For the rest of the early part of the story go here:

Granddaughter yanks grandma's feeding tube
81-year-old neither terminally ill, comatose, nor in vegetative state

The rest of her family kicked into gear. They contacted whoever they could. World Net Daily ran the story and then the bloggers took over. It spread like wildfire. Blogs, more blogs, personal emails, posted on forums, bloggers calling all people involved.

The Terri Schiavo camp also kicked into gear, Terri's attorney jumped in free of charge, Terri's bloggers pumping out blogs...........

And 24 hours later Mae Magouirk, 81 year old woman with living will that didn't matter, is now in the hands of a hospital and cardioligists. She is receiving food, and medical care as we speak.

I am so proud of World Net Daily, the ONLY news source to run this story, and of every single person who did SOMETHING to save this woman from starvation.

To see the current story about her rescue, please go here:

'Grandma' airlifted to medical center
'Receiving IV fluids, nourishment,' says nephew who credits WND, bloggers, 'Terri's friends'

Peace be to you all,

Christian Activism News - 04-09-05

The following is Christian Activism News. If you would like the news delivered to your e-mail box, send an empty email to: or just enter your email address in the box following the news articles


NEWSWORTHY tidbits for today:

Study exposes Belgium baby euthanasia
Nearly 1/2 of newborns who died in Flanders helped to die by doctors


Law will force men to do housework
New measure hailed as victory for feminists in macho Spain


Thinking Straighter
Why the world's most famous atheist now believes in God.


The Homosexualists' Plan for Public Schools: Book Reveals Strategy to
Indoctrinate Kids, Crush Opposition.


Children as young as 8 are being pressed into military
service in Africa.


Pick-a-pope website launched
Explains succession process for new pontiff, allows visitors to cast


Greg Laurie makes Bible 'resonate'
Pastor reaches millions, challenges believers to get off the fence


Bill to allow intelligent design in class
Education boards would be able to require teaching of Darwin alternative


UPDATE: Georgia 'Grandma's' life in hands of 3 cardiologists
Relatives say 81-year-old woman not being fed despite living will


Teen cuts hair for sick kids
Clippings donated to make wigs for children suffering from cancer


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