The difference is WE do LOVE them........
The way media presents people who hold Judeo-Christian values is unjust. We hate that two men want to get married and live happily ever after.
No,....the fact is that we care about the homosexual community more than you do. We don't want them dead, we don't want them sick, and we don't want them in sin. Yes I said SIN.
The media neglects to tell you the facts. The media neglects to tell you of all the disease and illness associated with the practice. The material presented here was collected by members of the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, read it carefully:
It is stunning that the left claims to stand for homosexual rights. Why aren't you warning them?? Why are you encouraging this behavior?
The sexual act between homosexuals is a sin, just like adultery, just like stealing, just like lying, just like abuse....all sin. And we are all sinners. But I would never stand on the sidelines cheering on my friend who is an adulterer, or jumping up and down cheering as my friend is stealing a t.v. and I certainly would not allow these people into my public school systems to show just how "normal" adultery and stealing is.
I've even heard people talk about the story of Jesus at the well with the woman who had had several husbands. They take that and say "See He loved her and forgave her", Yes He did. But He also said "GO AND SIN NO MORE" Because He loved her enough to not want to see her continue and die in her sin.
And that my friend is the view of "true" Christians. We do so much love the sinner, but we hate the sin. We want to share the truth though, as Jesus did with the woman. So we may share heaven with all that we can.