News for January 22, 2007
Burma 'orders Christians to be wiped out'
Brownback makes pro-life presidential bid
Kansas senator seeks Republican nomination for 2008 run
Army rescues bishop from mob in Uganda
Tsunami panic in Sabah
Israelis prepare public for conflict with 'genocidal' Iranian regime
HOT, YES running Jews for Jesus ads
Anti-Semitism and unholy alliance Western leftists, Islamists have nothing in common except disdain for Israel
'Behold, I am against thee, O Gog'
U2charist Comes to Trinity Church
A Historical Perspective On A Muslim Being Sworn into Congress on the Koran
What is there to Celebrate?
During the abortion a powerful vacuum is used to tear the fetus and placenta from the womb in order to kill the baby
Uncovering Roman Jerusalem
Does The Nanny (State) Know How To Raise Your Kids Better Than You Do?
If Cruelty to Animals Leads to More Violent Crime…
then so, apparently, does cruelty to fetuses: Abortion Practitioner Will Soon Get Trial on Murder, Rape Charges